viernes, 30 de mayo de 2014
lunes, 26 de mayo de 2014
XIX Congreso Internacional AMECRA 2014
Falta menos de un mes para iniciar nuestras actividades científicas. No dejes pasar más tiempo, e inscríbete al XIX Congreso Internacional AMECRA 2014.
Falta menos de un mes para iniciar nuestras actividades científicas. No dejes pasar más tiempo, e inscríbete al XIX Congreso Internacional AMECRA 2014.
viernes, 23 de mayo de 2014
Golfing this #MemorialDay Weekend?
Golfing this #MemorialDay Weekend? What orthopaedic surgeons say are the top 2 injuries to look out for and ways to avoid them.
miércoles, 21 de mayo de 2014
En #Lesionesdeportivas ¿sabes cuál es la peor pesadilla del #runner? / #fascitisplantar
En #Lesionesdeportivas ¿sabes cuál es la peor pesadilla del #runner? #fascitisplantar sin duda
— Vamos a correr (@vamosacorrer) abril 23, 2014
Have you fallen victim to one of the 4 most common #sportsinjuries?
Have you fallen victim to one of the 4 most common #sportsinjuries? #knee #shoulder #anklesprain #pulledmuscle
— Coastal Orthopedics (@CoastalDocs) enero 27, 2014
This infographic shows the most common sites of #Sportsinjuries observed by #orthopedic surgeons
This infographic shows the most common sites of #Sportsinjuries observed by #orthopedic surgeons during the...
— Dr.A.K.Venkatachalam (@kneeindia) marzo 6, 2014
How Long Does ACL Surgery Recovery Take? / ¿Cuánto tiempo toma ACL recuperación de la cirugía?
How Long Does ACL Surgery Recovery Take? #ACLsurgery #kneesurgery #recovery #sportsinjuries
— Game Ready (@GameReady) Mayo 20, 2014
The 8 Most Common Football Injuries
“@GameReady: The 8 Most Common Football Injuries #sportsinjuries #injury ” no dissimilar to #Rugbyinjuries
— BRIS Rugby Medics (@MedicsBRIS) Mayo 21, 2014
What NOT to do when Recovering from a Dislocated Shoulder
What NOT to do when Recovering from a Dislocated Shoulder #sportsinjuries #shoulderinjury #pain
— Game Ready (@GameReady) Mayo 21, 2014
Pediatric Sports Injuries
Lesiones Deportivas pediátricas
Una comparación de los varones versus mujeres
Antecedentes: Todavía hay mucho que no sabemos acerca de las diferencias en las lesiones deportivas entre jóvenes atletas masculinos y femeninos y los factores que pueden aumentar el riesgo de lesiones en este sentido.
Objetivo : Describir y comparar las diferencias entre hombres y mujeres en pediatría lesiones relacionadas con los deportes.
Diseño del estudio: Estudio transversal ; Nivel de evidencia, 3 .
Métodos: Revisión retrospectiva de historias clínicas se realizó con un muestreo aleatorio 5 % (N = 2.133 ) de las historias clínicas de los niños de 5 a 17 años se ven más de 10 años en una clínica de medicina deportiva en un gran hospital pediátrico académico. La información se recopiló y analizó la edad, sexo , altura, peso , tipo de lesión ( uso excesivo vs aguda / traumática) , localización de la lesión , y la participación deportiva.
Resultados : En general , las mujeres atletas tuvieron un mayor porcentaje de lesiones por uso excesivo ( 62,5 % ) en comparación con las lesiones traumáticas (37,5%) ; lo opuesto se observó en los atletas masculinos (41,9% vs 58,2 % , respectivamente, p < 0,001 ) . En cuanto a las áreas específicas de la lesión , las mujeres atletas sufrieron más lesiones de las extremidades inferiores ( 65,8 %) y columna vertebral ( 11,3 % ) en comparación con los atletas varones (53,7% y 8,2 %, respectivamente) . Los pacientes varones presentaron un mayor porcentaje de lesiones en la extremidad superior ( 29,8 % ) en comparación con pacientes de sexo femenino (15,1%) . El tipo de lesiones de cadera / pelvis difería en gran medida por el sexo, con las mujeres que sostienen más uso excesivo ( 90,9 %) y las lesiones de tejidos blandos ( 75,3 % ) frente a los hombres , que sufrieron lesiones que tendían a ser traumático ( 58,3 % ) y óseas ( 55,6 %) en la naturaleza . Los varones fueron más propensos que las mujeres a participar en deportes de equipo e contacto / colisión. El porcentaje de mujeres con dolor de rodilla patelofemoral fue aproximadamente 3 veces mayor que la de los varones ( 14,3 % vs 4,0 % , respectivamente, p < 0,001 ) . Los varones tenían el doble de probabilidades que las mujeres a ser diagnosticados con la osteocondritis disecante ( 8.6 % vs 4.3 % , respectivamente, p < 0,001 ) y las fracturas ( 19,5 % vs 8,2 % , respectivamente, p < 0,001 ) . El porcentaje de hombres y mujeres que sufrió una lesión en el ligamento cruzado anterior era casi igual ( 10,0 % y 8,9 % , respectivamente, p = 0,369 ) .
Conclusión : Las lesiones deportivas en los jóvenes varones y mujeres difieren según el tipo de lesión, el diagnóstico y el área del cuerpo. Estos resultados pueden estar relacionados con los patrones de referencia único para la división del hospital, incluyendo un gran número de bailarinas . Se requieren nuevas investigaciones para comprender mejor el riesgo de lesiones en los hombres pediátrica y mujeres atletas.
Lesiones Deportivas pediátricas
Una comparación de los varones versus mujeres
Antecedentes: Todavía hay mucho que no sabemos acerca de las diferencias en las lesiones deportivas entre jóvenes atletas masculinos y femeninos y los factores que pueden aumentar el riesgo de lesiones en este sentido.
Objetivo : Describir y comparar las diferencias entre hombres y mujeres en pediatría lesiones relacionadas con los deportes.
Diseño del estudio: Estudio transversal ; Nivel de evidencia, 3 .
Métodos: Revisión retrospectiva de historias clínicas se realizó con un muestreo aleatorio 5 % (N = 2.133 ) de las historias clínicas de los niños de 5 a 17 años se ven más de 10 años en una clínica de medicina deportiva en un gran hospital pediátrico académico. La información se recopiló y analizó la edad, sexo , altura, peso , tipo de lesión ( uso excesivo vs aguda / traumática) , localización de la lesión , y la participación deportiva.
Resultados : En general , las mujeres atletas tuvieron un mayor porcentaje de lesiones por uso excesivo ( 62,5 % ) en comparación con las lesiones traumáticas (37,5%) ; lo opuesto se observó en los atletas masculinos (41,9% vs 58,2 % , respectivamente, p < 0,001 ) . En cuanto a las áreas específicas de la lesión , las mujeres atletas sufrieron más lesiones de las extremidades inferiores ( 65,8 %) y columna vertebral ( 11,3 % ) en comparación con los atletas varones (53,7% y 8,2 %, respectivamente) . Los pacientes varones presentaron un mayor porcentaje de lesiones en la extremidad superior ( 29,8 % ) en comparación con pacientes de sexo femenino (15,1%) . El tipo de lesiones de cadera / pelvis difería en gran medida por el sexo, con las mujeres que sostienen más uso excesivo ( 90,9 %) y las lesiones de tejidos blandos ( 75,3 % ) frente a los hombres , que sufrieron lesiones que tendían a ser traumático ( 58,3 % ) y óseas ( 55,6 %) en la naturaleza . Los varones fueron más propensos que las mujeres a participar en deportes de equipo e contacto / colisión. El porcentaje de mujeres con dolor de rodilla patelofemoral fue aproximadamente 3 veces mayor que la de los varones ( 14,3 % vs 4,0 % , respectivamente, p < 0,001 ) . Los varones tenían el doble de probabilidades que las mujeres a ser diagnosticados con la osteocondritis disecante ( 8.6 % vs 4.3 % , respectivamente, p < 0,001 ) y las fracturas ( 19,5 % vs 8,2 % , respectivamente, p < 0,001 ) . El porcentaje de hombres y mujeres que sufrió una lesión en el ligamento cruzado anterior era casi igual ( 10,0 % y 8,9 % , respectivamente, p = 0,369 ) .
Conclusión : Las lesiones deportivas en los jóvenes varones y mujeres difieren según el tipo de lesión, el diagnóstico y el área del cuerpo. Estos resultados pueden estar relacionados con los patrones de referencia único para la división del hospital, incluyendo un gran número de bailarinas . Se requieren nuevas investigaciones para comprender mejor el riesgo de lesiones en los hombres pediátrica y mujeres atletas.
Pediatric Sports Injuries
A Comparison of Males Versus Females
Background: There is still much that we do not know about differences in sports injuries between young male and female athletes and the factors that may increase the risk for injuries in this regard.
Purpose: To describe and compare differences between males and females in pediatric sports-related injuries.
Study Design: Cross-sectional study; Level of evidence, 3.
Methods: A retrospective chart review was performed using a 5% random sampling (N = 2133) of medical records of children aged 5 to 17 years seen over 10 years in a sports medicine clinic at a large academic pediatric hospital. Information was collected and analyzed on age, sex, height, weight, injury type (overuse vs acute/traumatic), location of injury, and sports involvement.
Results: Overall, female athletes had a higher percentage of overuse injuries (62.5%) compared with traumatic injuries (37.5%); the opposite was seen in male athletes (41.9% vs 58.2%, respectively; P < .001). Looking at specific areas of injury, female athletes sustained more injuries to the lower extremity (65.8%) and spine (11.3%) as compared with male athletes (53.7% and 8.2%, respectively). Male patients had a greater percentage of injuries to the upper extremity (29.8%) as compared with female patients (15.1%). The type of hip/pelvis injuries differed greatly by sex, with females sustaining more overuse (90.9%) and soft tissue injuries (75.3%) versus males, who suffered injuries that tended to be traumatic (58.3%) and bony (55.6%) in nature. Males were more likely than females to participate in team and contact/collision sports. The percentage of females with patellofemoral knee pain was approximately 3 times greater than that of males (14.3% vs 4.0%, respectively; P < .001). Males were twice as likely as females to be diagnosed with osteochondritis dissecans (8.6% vs 4.3%, respectively; P < .001) and fractures (19.5% vs 8.2%, respectively; P < .001). The percentage of males and females who sustained an anterior cruciate ligament injury was almost equal (10.0% and 8.9%, respectively; P = .369).
Conclusion: Sports injuries in young males and females differed by injury type, diagnosis, and body area. These results may be related to the referral patterns unique to the division of the hospital, including a high number of female dancers. Further investigation is required to better understand the injury risk in pediatric male and female athletes.
- One or more of the authors has declared the following potential conflict of interest or source of funding: The authors acknowledge financial assistance from the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation, specifically the Health Policies Scholars Human Capital Program, granted to H.L.F.
Spring and Summer are Peak Seasons for Youth Sports Injuries
Spring and Summer are Peak Seasons for Youth Sports Injuries #sportsinjuries
— CastCoverZ! (@CastCoverz) Mayo 21, 2014
Icing is a bad idea
Icing is a bad idea. #sportsinjuries #GaryReinl
— Martin Paquet (@Agapitte) Mayo 22, 2014
Pierre Karl Péladeau suffers 8 fractures after bike accident

Pierre Karl Péladeau suffers 8 fractures after bike accident
Pierre Karl Péladeau, a Parti Québécois MNA and avid cyclist, is in hospital recovering from eight fractures after a bike accident over the weekend.
martes, 20 de mayo de 2014
Rotura Tendon de Aquiles. Achiles Tendon Rupture
Rotura Tendon de Aquiles. Achiles Tendon Rupture
Actualizado el 16/10/2011
El tendón de Aquiles puede sufrir una rotura cuando se ejerce demasiada presión sobre este. Esto puede ocurrir al practicar algún deporte o durante una caída bajando escaleras. El mejor tratamiento hoy en dia, es la sutura mediante cirugia minimamente invasiva.
Percutaneous suture of Achilles tendon rupture is a simple and safety method, that brings comparable functional results to open repair with the same time of post-operative fixation and with a significantly lower rate of complications.
Dr. Enrique Galindo Martens
Percutaneous suture of Achilles tendon rupture is a simple and safety method, that brings comparable functional results to open repair with the same time of post-operative fixation and with a significantly lower rate of complications.
Dr. Enrique Galindo Martens
Licencia de YouTube estándar
The educational program at this July's Annual Meeting is sure to keep attendees busy with an array of sports medicine topics.
The educational program at this July's Annual Meeting is sure to keep attendees busy with an array of sports medicine topics. Preview what's on tap in Seattle:
jueves, 15 de mayo de 2014
Baseball: Ignoring the guidelines for excessive throwing /
Baseball: Ignoring the guidelines for excessive throwing
Risk-Prone Pitching Activities and Injuries in Youth Baseball: a study from The American Journal of Sports Medicine 2014
With the youth baseball season in full swing and the beginning of the MLB season upon us, arm health is a hot topic. The recent passing of Dr. Frank Jobe and several MLB players out for Tommy John surgeries only intensifies the topic. There are nearly 5 million kids playing organized youth baseball in the United States and many of them continue to ignore the guidelines set regarding pitch counts and participation volume. In response, the American Sports Medicine Institute (ASMI) has recently revised their recommendations regarding specific risk-prone pitching activities.
Béisbol: Haciendo caso omiso de las directrices para lanzar de manera excesiva
Con la temporada de béisbol de la juventud en pleno apogeo y el comienzo de la temporada de Grandes Ligas sobre nosotros, el brazo de la salud es un tema candente. El reciente fallecimiento del Dr. Frank Jobe y varios jugadores de la MLB por cirugías Tommy John sólo intensifica el tema. Hay cerca de 5 millones de niños jugando béisbol juvenil organizada en los Estados Unidos y muchos de ellos continúan ignorando las directrices establecidas en relación con el conteo de lanzamientos y el volumen de participación. En respuesta, el Instituto Americano de Medicina Deportiva (ASMI) ha revisado recientemente sus recomendaciones con respecto a las actividades específicas de pitcheo propensas al riesgo.
- Watch and respond to signs of fatigue (such as decreased ball velocity, decreased accuracy, upright trunk during pitching, dropped elbow during pitching, or increased time between pitches). If a youth pitcher complains of fatigue or looks fatigued, let him rest from pitching and other throwing.
- No overhead throwing of any kind for at least 2-3 months per year (4 months is preferred). No competitive baseball pitching for at least 4 months per year.
- Do not pitch more than 100 innings in games in any calendar year.
- Follow limits for pitch counts and days rest.
- Avoid pitching on multiple teams with overlapping seasons.
- Learn good throwing mechanics as soon as possible. The first steps should be to learn, in order: 1) basic throwing, 2) fastball pitching, 3) change-up pitching.
- Avoid using radar guns.
- A pitcher should not also be a catcher for his team. The pitcher-catcher combination results in many throws and may increase the risk of injury.
- If a pitcher complains of pain in his elbow or shoulder, discontinue pitching until evaluated by a sports medicine physician. Inspire youth pitchers to have fun playing baseball and other sports. Participation and enjoyment of various physical activities will increase the youth’s athleticism and interest in sports.
Study: A national survey was conducted among 754 youth pitchers (ages 9 to 18 years) who had pitched in organized baseball leagues during the 12 months before the survey. The most shocking findings were that, 43.4% reported pitching on consecutive days and 19% pitched multiple games per day.
The ASMI, USA Baseball and other organizations have laid out clear guidelines for youth pitching and baseball participation volume, this study proves that many players, parents and coaches continue to ignore these guidelines. In his book, Any Given Monday, Dr. James Andrews advises that youth athletes should participate in seasonal sports and that specializing increases the risk for overuse injuries. Recently the British Journal of Sports Medicine stated that diversified sports training during early and middle adolescence may be more effective in developing elite-level skills in the primary sport due to skill transfer.
Ultimately, the responsibility belongs to the parents or guardians of youth baseball players to adhere to the guidelines set by the above stated organizations.
Is Early Sport Specialization a Risk Factor for Anterior Knee Pain in Female Athletes?
Is Early Sport Specialization a Risk Factor for Anterior Knee Pain in Female Athletes?
Is Early Sport Specialization a Risk Factor for Anterior Knee Pain in Female Athletes?
Youth sport specialization has become a hot topic in the sports medicine world recently. Baseball seems to be getting much of the attention, with the record setting pace of Tommy John surgeries in the MLB and studies reporting pitching participation on consecutive days and in some cases multiple games per day. Another growing youth sports trend is knee injuries in active females, most notably patellofemoral pain (PFP) and ACL tears. A recent study links the risk factors for both conditions, and suggests that PFP can be a future predictor of possible ACL injury. Even more common is the general diagnosis of anterior knee pain. Many kids come through our clinic with anterior knee pain, which can include; patellar tendonitis, Osgood Schlatter Disease, PFP, Plica and fat-pad inflammation. For years now we have been preaching to parents that kids should play seasonal sports, papers have been published and books have been written that support the position. Still all to often a young female is on the treatment table with painful knees and her reported activity level consists of 5-7 days of single sport participation in either, basketball, volleyball, or soccer. I recently came across this study ahead of print and look forward to reading the entire text when it is published, the abstract caught my attention because its a bold statement that could make educating young female athletes and their parents about the dangers of early sport specialization much easier.
The authors conducted a retrospective cohort of 546 adolescent females, 357 played multiple sports and 189 played a single sport and found that athletes that had reported early sport specialization demonstrated a 1.5 times greater relative risk for PFP diagnosis. Additionally, single sport specialists demonstrated a four-fold greater relative risk for Osgood Schlatter and patellar tendinopathy. In conclusion, the authors suggest that, “early sport specialization in female adolescents is associated with increased risk of anterior knee pain disorders including PFP, Osgood Schlatter and Sinding Larsen-Johansson compared to multi-sport athletes”.
Although the specifics of the study were not readily available, and the subject size is small, this study does take a step towards linking early sport specialization to some of the most common knee disorders in adolescent females. If, in time, there is significant undeniable evidence to support this notion as well as the reported link between PFP and ACL tears, we can then say that early sport specialization can lead to significant playing time lost and possibly early cessation of sport due to injury. Hopefully the work by Hall et al. spurs larger, more powerful studies that can turn the idea of early sport specialization being unhealthy for youth athletes into a proven fact.
martes, 13 de mayo de 2014
Mets' Gonzalez Germen (illness) placed on DL; DeGrom called up ~ Sports Injury Alert
Mets' Gonzalez Germen (illness) placed on DL; DeGrom called up ~ Sports Injury Alert

Victor Ravens
Hace 5 segundos a través de Getty Images Embed
- Jacob deGrom of the New York Mets pitches during the spring training... News Photo 477816569www.gettyimages.comJacob deGrom of the New York Mets pitches during the spring training game against the Detroit Tigers at Joker Marchant Stadium on March 8 2014 in Lakeland Florida The Mets defeated the Tigers 32 Get premium, high resolution news photos at Getty Images
sábado, 10 de mayo de 2014
Arturo Vidal se apunta al Mundial junto a Alexis Sánchez
Arturo Vidal se apunta al Mundial junto a Alexis Sánchez
El "Rey Arturo", tras someterse a una artroscopía en su rodilla, recibió la visita de Alexis Sánchez, futbolista de Barcelona y uno de sus mejores ...
viernes, 9 de mayo de 2014
A randomised, controlled trial of circumpatellar electrocautery in total knee replacement without patellar resurfacing
A randomised, controlled trial of circumpatellar electrocautery in total knee replacement without patellar resurfacing
a concise follow-up at a mean of 3.7 years

The Bone & Joint Journal ha compartido un enlace.
New study suggests that the improved clinical outcome of total knee replacement with electrocautery denervation compared with no electrocautery is not maintained at a mean of 3.7 years’ follow-up #knee #TKR#bonejointj
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