sábado, 30 de agosto de 2014
jueves, 28 de agosto de 2014
Dr. Juan Matus Jiménez/ Utilización de aloinjerto en medicina deportiva/ parte6
Utilización de aloinjerto en medicina deportiva.
Dr. Juan Matus Jiménez
Editor Adjunto de la Revista Acta Ortopédica Mexicana del CMO
Dr. Juan Matus Jiménez
Editor Adjunto de la Revista Acta Ortopédica Mexicana del CMO
Why are Football Overuse Injuries in Teens on the Rise?
Why are Football Overuse Injuries in Teens on the Rise?
Football season is around the corner and while most of us can't wait for it to officially start, we're already seeing overuse injuries in teen football players. And these are the kinds that are typically seen in adults. In the past, young athletes would play a variety of sports all year long. But now they are specializing in one sport, which increases the risk for overuse injuries. In fact, according to STOP Sports Injuries, overuse injuries account for half of all sports injuries in middle school and high school students.
STOP Sports Injuries also finds:
- High school athletes account for an estimated 2 million injuries; 500,000 doctor visits; and 30,000 hospitalizations each year.
- 28% of football players ages 5 to 14 were injured while playing.
- Each year, more than 3.5 million kids under age 14 receive medical treatment for sports injuries.
- Injuries associated with participation in sports and recreational activities account for 21% of all traumatic brain injuries among children in the U.S.
- Children ages 5 to 14 account for nearly 40% of all sports-related injuries treated in hospitals.
Tips to Prevent Football Overuse Injuries in Children and Teens
The most important take-away though is that more than half of all sports injuries in children are preventable. How can you prevent overuse injuries this football season?
- Cut back the intensity, duration, and frequency of an activity.
- Adopt a hard/easy workout schedule and cross train with other activities to maintain fitness levels.
- Learn about proper training and technique from a coach or athletic trainer.
- Perform proper warm-up activities before and after.
- Use ice after an activity for minor aches and pain.
Check out our past blog about 3 easy exercises to prevent sports injuries!
miércoles, 27 de agosto de 2014
10 of the worst sports injuries I've ever seen. #WTF
10 of the worst sports injuries I've ever seen. #WTF http://t.co/plgMnbr2KK pic.twitter.com/fxn3Ozx3ZO
— What The F*** Facts (@WhatTheFFacts) agosto 15, 2014
viernes, 1 de agosto de 2014
Use of platelet-rich plasma in the care of sports injuries: our experience with ultrasound-guided injection / El uso de plasma rico en plaquetas en el cuidado de las lesiones deportivas: nuestra experiencia con la inyección guiada por ultrasonido
Blood Transfus. 2014 Jan;12 Suppl 1:s229-34. doi: 10.2450/2013.0293-12. Epub 2013 Jul 3.
Use of platelet-rich plasma in the care of sports injuries: our experience with ultrasound-guided injection.
Blood Transfus. 2014 Jan;12 Suppl 1:s229-34. doi: 10.2450/2013.0293-12. Epub 2013 Jul 3.
Use of platelet-rich plasma in the care of sports injuries: our experience with ultrasound-guided injection.
El uso de plasma rico en plaquetas en el cuidado de las lesiones deportivas: nuestra experiencia con la inyección guiada por ultrasonidoBernuzzi G1, Petraglia F2, Pedrini MF2, De Filippo M3, Pogliacomi F4, Verdano MA4, Costantino C2.
Platelet-rich plasma is being used more frequently to promote healing of muscle injuries. The growth factors contained in platelet-rich plasma accelerate physiological healing processes and the use of these factors is simple and minimally invasive. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the efficacy of ultrasound-guided injection of platelet-rich plasma in muscle strains and the absence of side effects.
Plasma rico en plaquetas se utiliza con mayor frecuencia para promover la curación de las lesiones musculares. Los factores de crecimiento contenidos en el plasma rico en plaquetas acelerar los procesos de curación fisiológicos y el uso de estos factores es simple y mínimamente invasiva. El objetivo de este estudio fue demostrar la eficacia de la inyección guiada por ultrasonido de plasma rico en plaquetas en las lesiones musculares y la ausencia de efectos secundarios.
Fifty-three recreational athletes were enrolled in the study. The patients were recruited from the Emergency Room in the University Hospital at Parma according to a pre-defined protocol. Every patient was assessed by ultrasound imaging to evaluate the extent and degree of muscle injuries. Only grade II lesions were treated with three ultrasound-guided injections of autologous platelet-rich plasma every 7 days. Platelet concentrate was produced according to standard methods, with a 10% variability in platelet count. The platelet gel for clinical use was obtained by adding thrombin to the concentrates under standardised conditions. Outcomes assessed were: pain reduction, muscle function recovery and return to sports activity, ultrasound-imaging tissue healing, relapses, local infections, and any side effect during the treatment.
In all cases muscle lesions healed fully on ultrasound-imaging, the pain disappeared, and muscle function recovery was documented with a return to sports activity. A single patient had a relapse 1 year after treatment.
Platelet-rich plasma injected into the injury site is one of the most important factors rendering the treatment effective. To maximise its efficacy the preliminary ultrasound must be done accurately to localise the lesion and guide the needle into the corresponding lesion. According to the current results, which document full muscle recovery and no relapse except for one case, platelet-rich plasma ultrasound-guided injection represents a valid mini-invasive treatment for muscle injuries.
El plasma rico en plaquetas se inyecta en el sitio de la lesión es uno de los factores más importantes de representación el tratamiento eficaz. Para maximizar su eficacia el ultrasonido preliminar debe realizarse con precisión para localizar la lesión y guiar la aguja en la lesión correspondiente. De acuerdo con los resultados actuales, que documentan la recuperación muscular completa y sin recaída a excepción de un caso, la inyección guiada por ultrasonido de plasma rico en plaquetas representa un tratamiento mini-invasiva válida para lesiones musculares.
Platelet-rich plasma is being used more frequently to promote healing of muscle injuries. The growth factors contained in platelet-rich plasma accelerate physiological healing processes and the use of these factors is simple and minimally invasive. The aim of this study was to demonstrate the efficacy of ultrasound-guided injection of platelet-rich plasma in muscle strains and the absence of side effects.
Plasma rico en plaquetas se utiliza con mayor frecuencia para promover la curación de las lesiones musculares. Los factores de crecimiento contenidos en el plasma rico en plaquetas acelerar los procesos de curación fisiológicos y el uso de estos factores es simple y mínimamente invasiva. El objetivo de este estudio fue demostrar la eficacia de la inyección guiada por ultrasonido de plasma rico en plaquetas en las lesiones musculares y la ausencia de efectos secundarios.
Fifty-three recreational athletes were enrolled in the study. The patients were recruited from the Emergency Room in the University Hospital at Parma according to a pre-defined protocol. Every patient was assessed by ultrasound imaging to evaluate the extent and degree of muscle injuries. Only grade II lesions were treated with three ultrasound-guided injections of autologous platelet-rich plasma every 7 days. Platelet concentrate was produced according to standard methods, with a 10% variability in platelet count. The platelet gel for clinical use was obtained by adding thrombin to the concentrates under standardised conditions. Outcomes assessed were: pain reduction, muscle function recovery and return to sports activity, ultrasound-imaging tissue healing, relapses, local infections, and any side effect during the treatment.
In all cases muscle lesions healed fully on ultrasound-imaging, the pain disappeared, and muscle function recovery was documented with a return to sports activity. A single patient had a relapse 1 year after treatment.
Platelet-rich plasma injected into the injury site is one of the most important factors rendering the treatment effective. To maximise its efficacy the preliminary ultrasound must be done accurately to localise the lesion and guide the needle into the corresponding lesion. According to the current results, which document full muscle recovery and no relapse except for one case, platelet-rich plasma ultrasound-guided injection represents a valid mini-invasive treatment for muscle injuries.
El plasma rico en plaquetas se inyecta en el sitio de la lesión es uno de los factores más importantes de representación el tratamiento eficaz. Para maximizar su eficacia el ultrasonido preliminar debe realizarse con precisión para localizar la lesión y guiar la aguja en la lesión correspondiente. De acuerdo con los resultados actuales, que documentan la recuperación muscular completa y sin recaída a excepción de un caso, la inyección guiada por ultrasonido de plasma rico en plaquetas representa un tratamiento mini-invasiva válida para lesiones musculares.
Soy lanzador de béisbol aficionado no profesional, me hicieron artroscopia ya que tenía el tendón del supraespinoso roto por completo. ¿Qué inyecciones o qué método aceleraría la recuperación? Saludos - Saluspot
Soy lanzador de béisbol aficionado no profesional, me hicieron artroscopia ya que tenía el tendón del supraespinoso roto por completo. ¿Qué inyecciones o qué método aceleraría la recuperación? Saludos - Saluspot
Hombre 23 años
14 Lecturas

Pregunta realizada el 31 de julio de 2014
Soy lanzador de béisbol aficionado no profesional, me hicieron artroscopia ya que tenía el tendón del supraespinoso roto por completo. ¿Qué inyecciones o qué método aceleraría la recuperación? Saludos
- D. Adolfo García Martín respondió: (Hace 19 horas)
PacienciaCuando haces un muro de ladrillos por muy bien y rápido que los coloques si no esperas a que se seque y endurezca el cemento ese muro no tiene resistencia y se romperá con facilidad. Lo mismo pasa con el tejido y conviene que esperes a que el proceso biológico de la cicatriz se cumpla de forma adecuada. Hay métodos que lo aceleran pero si quieres que se cure bien y no recaer más veces se paciente y sigue el proceso natural de cicatrización y después a rehabilitación con un fisioterapeuta.1 doctor de acuerdo1ª respuesta
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